
Name Identifier HER Identifier Data sources
1 KP869100 255 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
1 67 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
10 KP869108 264 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
109 Lindberg 12 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
10 heidelberg 437 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
11 KP869109 265 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
1139 293 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
1154A 294 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
11-68c 327 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
119x Lindberg DQ163914 13 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
11 heidelberg 438 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
12 KP869110 266 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
121 370 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
1214 Lindberg 15 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
121Q NC_025447 128 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
13 61 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
13 KP869111 267 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
133 NC_015250 423 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
13/3a 94 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
1358 NC_027120 205 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
14 62 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
14 KP869112 268 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
1483 344 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
15 KP869113 269 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
16 270 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
16-19 20 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
1672 272 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
16 Lindberg DQ163919 2 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
1706 NC_010576 455 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
182 80 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
187 NC_007047 239 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
1A 86 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
1 heidelberg 428 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
1 Lesley 112 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
1/V12 339 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2 256 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
205 NC_002700 424 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
21 Lindberg 3 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2213/73 425 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2389 83 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
24 KJ572844.2 64 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
24 Lindberg 4 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2.5A 185 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
25 Popoff DQ529280 85 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2638A NC_007051 283 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2671 82 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2685 34 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
27 Lesley 115 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
290F 170 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2972 NC_007019 458 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
29 Popoff 104 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2/F2852-76 69 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2 heidelberg 429 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2 Lindberg 271 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
2P1 LN907801 578 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
3 KP869101 257 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
31 Lindberg 5 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
31 Popoff KY290951 105 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
32 58 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
32 136 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
32 Popoff KY290952 106 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
33D Warsaw Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
352 Lindberg 14 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
392 292 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
3A NC_007053 225 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
3 heidelberg 430 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
3/K26 159 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
3M 421 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
3/M64-76 70 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
3 Popoff KY290947 84 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
4 KP869102 258 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
40RR2.8t KY290948 98 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
42 NC_014660 422 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
4211 35 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
43 Lesley 116 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
43 Popoff 107 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
44AHJD NC_004678 101 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
44 Lindberg 6 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
493 354 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
4996 60 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
4/C1334-7 71 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
4 heidelberg 431 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
5 KP869103 259 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
51 Popoff KY290953 108 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
531 32 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
536_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
536_P11 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
536_P12 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
536_P6 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
536_P7 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
536_P9 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
56 Popoff KY290954 109 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
57 59 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
59.1 KY290950 100 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
5/C394-76 72 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
5 heidelberg 432 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
6 KP869104 260 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
65 Popoff KY290955 110 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
68 Lindberg 7 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
6/C753-75 73 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
6ec 555 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
6 heidelberg 433 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
6/K27 160 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
7 KP869105 261 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
70 Lesley 126 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
71 NC_007059 238 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
7-11 345461107 19 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
71A-6 289 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
73 Lindberg DQ163913 8 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
77 NC_005356 226 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
7a Lesley 114 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
7/F783-76 74 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
7 heidelberg 434 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
7 Lindberg DQ163918 1 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
8 KP869106 262 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
8101 296 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
812 NC_029080 475 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
83-24 NC_028834 227 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
858 NC_010353 459 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
8/C239-76 75 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
8 heidelberg 435 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
9 KP869107 263 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
9266Q 21 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
936 KC182544 203 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
949 NC_015263 204 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
9 heidelberg 436 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
A10/A45 50 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
A-1-L 279 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
A2 NC_004112 482 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
A3/2 33 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
A36 127 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
A3 Lesley 121 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
A41 300 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
A511 NC_009811 394 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
A8 Lesley 122 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
A9 NC_015253 208 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab03 NC_026587 556 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab04 LN610581 557 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab05 NC_026602 558 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab06 LN610582 559 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab08 LN610575 572 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab09 NC_024140 560 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab1 NC_019918 571 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab10 LN610586 573 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab11 LN610583 561 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab17 LN610576 562 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab18 NC_026594 563 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab19 NC_042115 564 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab20 LN610585 565 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab22 LN610578 575 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab26 HG962376 581 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab27 NC_026586 566 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab28 NC_026600 568 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab29 LN610588 569 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ab30 NC_026601 570 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
a/C7 244 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Acidianus filamentus virus 1 NC_005830 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Acidianus rod-shaped virus 3 MN876842 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Aeh1 NC_005260 209 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Aeh2 210 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
AGL4 365 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
AL-1A Chloroviruses
AL-2A Chloroviruses
AL-2C Chloroviruses
AL505_P1 Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
AL505_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand, Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
AL505_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand, Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
Alderaan MT711975 Streptomyces phages
alpha3 NC_001330 536 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ALQ13.2 NC_013598 478 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
AN17_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
AN17_P8 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
AN24_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
AN24_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
AN24_P4 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
AN69C JX997153.1 Chloroviruses
AP110A JX997154.1 Chloroviruses
AP50 NC_011523 140 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
AR158 NC_009899.1 Chloroviruses
Asp37 KY290949 99 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ATCV-1 NC_008724.1 Chloroviruses
Attis KU963247 594 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Av-1 NC_009643 242 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
B.1715V1 358 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
B277 295 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
B9GP 162 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
B9PP 96 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ba2 345 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ba24 81 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bace-11 414 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Baits 329 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bam35 NC_005258 410 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
BaSTC2 381 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bastille NC_018856 211 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bat1 231 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bat10 234 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bat11 235 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bat18 236 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bat5 232 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bat7 233 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Baxterfox KU963263 595 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
BCH953_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
BCH953_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
BCH953_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
BCH953_P4 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
BCH953_P5 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
BCJA1c NC_006557 406 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
BDX03_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
BDX03_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
BDX09_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
Beccles 220 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bf1 310 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bignuz 538 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
bIL170 NC_001909 450 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
bIL67 NC_001629 449 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
BJ-2C Chloroviruses
Bk KC556893 134 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
BK1 330 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
BK5-T NC_002796 378 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
BL3 NC_015254 187 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
bla 403 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Bo4 KC787107 384 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Br0604L JX997155.1 Chloroviruses
BRET MK165087 586 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Brevibacterium phage Rousseau OV696622 Host range of phages isolated from a smear-ripened cheese
Bron 539 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
BS46 401 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
BS5 395 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
BW-1 155 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
C-1 222 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
C16 43 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
c2 NC_001706 440 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
c6A 338 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CA-1A Chloroviruses
CA-1D Chloroviruses
CA-2A Chloroviruses
CA-4A Chloroviruses
CA-4B Chloroviruses
Can0610SP JX997156.1 Chloroviruses
Can18-4 JX997157.1 Chloroviruses
Canal-1 JX997158.1 Chloroviruses
Cba181 NC_021790 531 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Cba41 NC_021788 530 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
cd1 477 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CHA_P1 NC_022974 Tests of P. aeruginosa phages on cystic fibrosis isolates and lab strains
Charlie 540 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Che8 541 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Che9 542 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CJW 1 543 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Cl1 Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
CL1 NC_028888 510 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Cl2 Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
CL2 NC_028835 511 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Cl3 Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
CL31 360 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Clark 333 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CLB_P1 KC109329 Tests of CLB_P1, CLB_P2, CLB_P3 E. coli phages on the ECOR collection
CLB_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
CLB_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
CLB_P2 OL770107 Tests of CLB_P1, CLB_P2, CLB_P3 E. coli phages on the ECOR collection
CLB_P3 OL770108 Tests of CLB_P1, CLB_P2, CLB_P3 E. coli phages on the ECOR collection
CM1 250 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Cog 229 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CON11 89 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CON77 90 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CON8 88 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CONRH 91 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CONXC 92 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Corndog 544 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Coruscant MT711976 Streptomyces phages
COS-CLP-F1 Chloroviruses
Cp-1 KJ617393 223 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CP51 550 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CP54 551 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CP-54Ber 357 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CPC 324 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CP-T1 NC_019457 373 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CrRp10 MG775043 Tests of Citrobacter CrRp phages against E. coli and other strains
CrRp3 MG775042 Tests of Citrobacter CrRp phages against E. coli and other strains
CS1 417 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CS1 466 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
CVA-1 NC_044937.1 Chloroviruses
CVB-1 JX997160.1 Chloroviruses
CVG-1 JX997161.1 Chloroviruses
CviKI JX997162.1 Chloroviruses
CVM-1 JX997163.1 Chloroviruses
CVR-1 JX997164.1 Chloroviruses
CvsA1 JX997165.1 Chloroviruses
CZ-2 JX997166.1 Chloroviruses
D108 252 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
D29 NC_001900 383 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
D3 NC_002484 245 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
D3112 NC_005178 288 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Dagobah MT711977 Streptomyces phages
Demosthenes KU998242 587 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
DIJ06_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
DIJ07_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
DIJ07_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
DNAIII KC787108 335 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Dp-1 NC_015274 509 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
DP7 404 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
DT1 NC_002072 368 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
DW2 NC_024391 467 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
E13 151 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
E14 156 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
e15 30387379 68 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
e4 55 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
e5 56 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
E79 359 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
E920g 41 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ebrios 552 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Endor1 MT711978 Streptomyces phages
Endor2 MT711979 Streptomyces phages
Erh1 172 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Esc-7-11 22 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ev2 Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
F 346 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
F10 Lindberg DQ163912 11 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
F116L 56692908 18 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
F7 Lindberg 9 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
F8 Lindberg DQ163917 10 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
FC3-9 111 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
FR483 NC_008603.1 Chloroviruses
Fr5L JX997167.1 Chloroviruses
fri 325 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Fz KC556894 171 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
G NC_023719 276 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
G3 407 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
GA-1 NC_002649 182 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
gh-1 NC_004665 353 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
GIL01 460 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
GIL16 NC_006945 461 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Glutamicibacter phage Montesquieu OV696619 Host range of phages isolated from a smear-ripened cheese
Glutamicibacter phage Voltaire OV696617 Host range of phages isolated from a smear-ripened cheese
GM0701.1 JX997168.1 Chloroviruses
GNLD22 Chloroviruses
GP-10 = Liu 4 418 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
H1 183 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
H100/1 321 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
H105/1 328 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
H106/1 322 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
H-19J 275 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
H2 347 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
H387 184 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
H7/2 320 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Haiti 176 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Halo 545 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
HK243 139 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
HK97 NC_002167 382 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
HM2 179 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
HM3 180 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
HM7 181 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
HP1 NC_001697 396 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
HXX 103 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
I 51 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
I2-2 NC_001332 213 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
I3 202 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
II 52 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
III 53 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
IL-2A Chloroviruses
IL-2B Chloroviruses
IL-3A JX997169.1 Chloroviruses
IL-3D Chloroviruses
IL-5-2s1 JX997170.1 Chloroviruses
IPy-1 246 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
IV 54 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
J 219 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ja.1 343 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Jersey 525972166 45 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
JS10 EU863409 Tests of T4 subgroups of E. coli phages on EPEC and ETEC strains
JS98 NC_012741 Tests of T4 subgroups of E. coli phages on EPEC and ETEC strains
JSE EU863408 Tests of T4 subgroups of E. coli phages on EPEC and ETEC strains
JX1 215 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
K NC_005880 474 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
K20 366 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
K30 NC_015719 374 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Kappa NC_010275.2 65 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
KF1 224 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Kl3 173 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Kl9Q 426 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
KLPN1 NC_028760.1 Klebsiella phage KLPN1
KS1B JX997171.1 Chloroviruses
KSY1 NC_009817 248 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Kvp1 NC_011534 400 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
KVP20 299 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
KVP40 NC_005083 193 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
L-1 336 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
L5 NC_001335 386 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
LBL3 NC_011165 Tests of P. aeruginosa phages on cystic fibrosis isolates and lab strains
Lco22 274 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Legendre 334 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Leo NC_021556 331 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Leuconostoc phage Diderot OV696621 Host range of phages isolated from a smear-ripened cheese
LeviOr01 LT821717 580 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
LF110_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF110_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF110_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF110_P4 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF31_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF31_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF50_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF7074_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF7074_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF7074_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF73_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF73_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF73_P4 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF82_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF82_P10 LT717094 Tests of the E. coli LF82_P10 phage on AIEC strains and Enterobacteria
LF82_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand, Tests of LF82_P2, LF82_P6, LF82_P8 phages on the ECOR collection
LF82_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF82_P4 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF82_P5 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LF82_P6 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand, Tests of LF82_P2, LF82_P6, LF82_P8 phages on the ECOR collection
LF82_P8 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand, Tests of LF82_P2, LF82_P6, LF82_P8 phages on the ECOR collection
LF82_P9 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LI10_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LI10_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LI10_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LI10_P4 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LI10_P5 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LI10_P6 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LIT1 NC_013692 526 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
LM02_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LM07_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LM08_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LM08_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LM33_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LM40_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LM40_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LM40_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
LP52 192 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
LP-F3a-4a Chloroviruses
LU11 NC_017972 443 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
LUZ19 NC_010326 Tests of P. aeruginosa phages on cystic fibrosis isolates and lab strains
LUZ24 NC_010325 527 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
M NC_019707 218 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
M102 NC_012884 456 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
M102AD NC_028984 503 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
M3 Lesley 123 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
M4 Lesley 124 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
M4 Lindberg 16 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
M5 Lesley 125 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
M6 Lindberg DQ163916 17 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MA-1D JX997172.1 Chloroviruses
MA-1E JX997173.1 Chloroviruses
MB4 446 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MED1 KJ997912 504 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MJ-1 163 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MJ-4 164 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MM1H 291 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MN0810.1 JX997174.1 Chloroviruses
MO0605SPH JX997175.1 Chloroviruses
mor1 78 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MP13 141 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MP15 143 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MR8 MT104471 11 Phages host range against 32 Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and pathovar actinidiae
MS1 KY629621 532 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MS2 NC_001417 462 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
MSP2 195 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MT 207 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Mt1B1_P1 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P10 MT496971 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P11 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P12 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P13 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P14 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P15 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P16 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P17 MT496970 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P18 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P19 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P2 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P20 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P21 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P22 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P23 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P24 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P25 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P26 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P27 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P28 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P3 MT496969 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
MT1B1_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
Mt1B1_P4 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P5 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P6 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P7 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P8 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
Mt1B1_P9 Tests of E. coli Mt1B1 phages on the ECOR collection and other strains
MT325 DQ491001.1 Chloroviruses
Mu NC_000929 253 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
MWNE-1 Chloroviruses
N1 194 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
N2 342 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
N2 Lesley 117 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
N3 Lesley 971758890 118 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
N4 NC_008720 119952179 Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
N4 119952179 77 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
N4 Lesley 119 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
N5 157 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
N9 Lesley 120 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
NAN33_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
NAN33_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
NAN33_P4 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
NAN33_P5 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
NAN33_P6 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
NC-1A Chloroviruses
NC-1B Chloroviruses
NC-1C Chloroviruses
NC-1D Chloroviruses
N-CL-1 Chloroviruses
N-CL-2 Chloroviruses
NE-10B-s1 Chloroviruses
NE-11A-L1 Chloroviruses
NE-40-1-m Chloroviruses
NE-40-2-s Chloroviruses
NE-41-1-L Chloroviruses
NE-41-2-m Chloroviruses
NE-41-3-s Chloroviruses
NE-8A Chloroviruses
NE-8D Chloroviruses
NE-JV-1 JX997176.1 Chloroviruses
NE-JV-2 JX997177.1 Chloroviruses
NE-JV-3 JX997178.1 Chloroviruses
NE-JV-4 JX997179.1 Chloroviruses
NE-P-1-L Chloroviruses
NE-P-2-m Chloroviruses
NE-P-3-s Chloroviruses
NE-P-4-fs Chloroviruses
NES-4A-m1 Chloroviruses
NES-4A-s1 Chloroviruses
NES-4B-L2 Chloroviruses
NES-5A-L1 Chloroviruses
NES-5A-m1 Chloroviruses
NES-5A-s1 Chloroviruses
NF5 NC_015252 188 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
NIC06_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
NIC06_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
NJL 298 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
NM1 79 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
N-NE-3 Chloroviruses
NRG857C_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
NRG857C_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
NRG857C_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
nt-1 NC_021529 150 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
nt-6 138 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
NTS-1 JX997180.1 Chloroviruses
NW665.2 JX997181.1 Chloroviruses
NY-2A NC_009898.1 Chloroviruses
NY-2B JX997182.1 Chloroviruses
NY-2C Chloroviruses
NY-2F Chloroviruses
NYb-1 Chloroviruses
Nymphadora KU963255 593 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
NYs-1 NC_043235.1 Chloroviruses
O1 38707640 40 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
O103 337 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
O2 476 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
O9-1 375 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Omega 546 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
O-NE-20 Chloroviruses
O-NE-21 Chloroviruses
O-NE-22 Chloroviruses
OR0704.2.2 JX997184.1 Chloroviruses
OR0704.3 JX997185.1 Chloroviruses
Or1 NC_019813 576 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Osy-F-1 Chloroviruses
Osy-F-3 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-1 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-2 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-3 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-4 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-4B-L2 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-4B-m2 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-4B-s2 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-5 NC_032001.1 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-5A-L1 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-5B-m2 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-5B-s1 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-6 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-7 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-L1 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-L2 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-L3 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-M2 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-M3 Chloroviruses
Osy-NE-ZA1 Chloroviruses
P001 142 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P008 NC_008363 228 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P087 NC_012663 361 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P10 444 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P107 362 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P1D 393 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P1kc 93 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P2 NC_001895 31 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
p2 GQ979703 457 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P22 NC_002371 161 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P270 302 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P335 DQ838728 463 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P369 303 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P3_CHA KC862296 Tests of P. aeruginosa phages on cystic fibrosis isolates and lab strains
P3P1 LT594787 577 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P400 230 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P68 49 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P70 NC_018831 537 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PA5oct 483 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PAK_P1 NC_015294 Tests of P. aeruginosa phages on cystic fibrosis isolates and lab strains
PAK_P2 NC_022967 Tests of P. aeruginosa phages on cystic fibrosis isolates and lab strains
PAK_P3 NC_022970 Tests of P. aeruginosa phages on cystic fibrosis isolates and lab strains
PAK_P4 NC_022986 Tests of P. aeruginosa phages on cystic fibrosis isolates and lab strains
PAK_P5 NC_022966 Tests of P. aeruginosa phages on cystic fibrosis isolates and lab strains
PAU NC_019521 398 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PB-1 NC_011810 146 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PBCV-1 NC_000852.5 Chloroviruses
PBLO.5c 341 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PBP1 314 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PBS1 97 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PDP110_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
PDP110_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
PDP21_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
PDP21_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
PDP21_P5 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
PDP21_P6 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
PDP21_P8 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
PDP351_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
PDP351_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
PDP351_P4 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
PEa 31-2 448 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Pf1 NC_001331 391 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Pg1 547 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
phiC725A 567 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
phiCD111 NC_028905 Clostridium difficile phages
phiCD146 NC_028958 Clostridium difficile phages
phiCD24-2 Clostridium difficile phages
phiCD38-2 NC_015568 Clostridium difficile phages
phiCD481-1 NC_028951 Clostridium difficile phages
phiCD481-2 Clostridium difficile phages
phiCD505 NC_028764 Clostridium difficile phages
phiCD506 NC_028838 Clostridium difficile phages
phiCD508 Clostridium difficile phages
phiCD52 GCA_001369435 Clostridium difficile phages
phiCD526 Clostridium difficile phages
phiIPLA5 NC_018281 S. epidermidis phages against human mastitis and healthy strains
phiIPLA6 S. epidermidis phages against human mastitis and healthy strains
phiIPLA7 NC_018284 S. epidermidis phages against human mastitis and healthy strains
phiIPLA-C1C NC_028962 Staphyloccocus phages phiIPLA-RODI and phiIPLA-C1C against staphylococcal isolates
phiIPLA-RODI NC_028765 Staphyloccocus phages phiIPLA-RODI and phiIPLA-C1C against staphylococcal isolates
phiMMP01 NC_028883 Clostridium difficile phages
phiMMP02 NC_019421 Clostridium difficile phages
phiMMP03 NC_028959 Clostridium difficile phages
phiMMP04 NC_019422 Clostridium difficile phages
PII10A LT594786 579 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
pilHa 240 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PK1 405 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PL-1 NC_022757 319 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PM2 NC_000867 254 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PM4 214 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PM6 216 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
P-NE-5 Chloroviruses
PP7 NC_001628 369 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
pphageB1 MT354570 11 Phages host range against 32 Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and pathovar actinidiae
pphageB21 MZ868714 11 Phages host range against 32 Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and pathovar actinidiae
pphageBV72 MZ868717 11 Phages host range against 32 Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and pathovar actinidiae
pphageT12 MZ868716 11 Phages host range against 32 Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and pathovar actinidiae
pphageT21 MZ868715 11 Phages host range against 32 Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and pathovar actinidiae
PR64FS 217 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PR772 AY441783 222 Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
PR772 AY441783 221 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PRD1 159192286 23 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Pro2 273 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
PS17 352 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
psageA1 MT740307 11 Phages host range against 32 Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and pathovar actinidiae
psageB1 MT354569 11 Phages host range against 32 Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and pathovar actinidiae
psageB2 MZ348425 11 Phages host range against 32 Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and pathovar actinidiae
psageK4 MZ348426 11 Phages host range against 32 Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and pathovar actinidiae
psageK4e MZ868713 11 Phages host range against 32 Phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae pathovar phaseolicola and pathovar actinidiae
Psychrobacter phage D'Alembert OV696620 Host range of phages isolated from a smear-ripened cheese
pt1 42 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Pyrobaculum filamentous virus 1 NC_029548 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Pyrobaculum filamentous virus 2 MN876844 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Pyrobaculum spherical virus 2 MN876845 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Q1 442 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Q54 NC_008364 454 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
R17 EF108465 290 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
r1t NC_004302 465 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
RB49 NC_005066 Tests of T4 subgroups of E. coli phages on EPEC and ETEC strains
RB69 NC_004928 158 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
RB69 NC_004928 Tests of T4 subgroups of E. coli phages on EPEC and ETEC strains
R/C KC556895 135 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
RcCronus KR935217 553 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
RcTitan KR935213 554 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Remus NC_031031 528 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Roy 316 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
RS1 277 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
S16 NC_020416 535 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
S45 237 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
S708 KC556896 132 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
S-a 416 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Sab2 340 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SasL4 397 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SasL6 415 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SC-1A Chloroviruses
SC-1B Chloroviruses
S-CL-1 Chloroviruses
SD1-M 413 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Se1 Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
Se2 Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
Se3 Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
Sedge 332 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SH-6A Chloroviruses
sk1 NC_001835 439 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SLE111 284 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Smith-1 Chloroviruses
Smoothie KU998244 588 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SN45 392 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Soups KU998249 592 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SP-10 NC_019487 148 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SP-15 NC_031245 130 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SP16 348 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SP50 174 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SP8 147 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SPO1 NC_011421 447 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SPP1 NC_004166 149 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SPy-2 206 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SPy-3 379 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SPβ 175 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SS4 364 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ß4Q 129 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
SST P2 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ST 529 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Sulfolobus islandicus filamentous virus NC_003214 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Sulfolobus islandicus rod-shaped virus 2 NC_004086 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Sulfolobus islandicus rod-shaped virus 3 NC_030884 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Sulfolobus monocaudavirus 1 NC_023585 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Sulfolobus polyhedral virus 1 NC_038017 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Sulfolobus spindle-shaped virus 1 NC_001338 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Sulfolobus spindle-shaped virus 2 NC_005265 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
Sulfolobus spindle-shaped virus 3 KY579375 Hyperthermophilic archaeal viruses
T1 NC_005833.1 24 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
T145_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T145_P2 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T145_P3 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T145_P4 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T145_P5 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T147_P1 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T147_P10 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T147_P5 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T147_P7 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T147_P9 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T1 Lesley 113 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
T1UV 468 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
T2 25 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
T205_P4 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T205_P5 Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T3 NC_003298.1 26 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
T4 NC_000866.4 27 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples, Tests of T4 subgroups of E. coli phages on EPEC and ETEC strains
T4LD Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
T5 NC_005859.1 28 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
T6 29 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
T7 NC_001604.1 30 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
T7-Ah 212 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
T7LD Host range of the 96 coliphages from the Antonina Guelin collection on the 403 natural isolates of Escherichia from the Bertrand
Tb NC_019446 131 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Tb10 380 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
TC4 445 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Tg4 387 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
TM4 548 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
TN603.4.2 JX997186.1 Chloroviruses
Tohama 278 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
TP-15 399 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
TP21-L EU887664 533 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Tuc2009 NC_002703 464 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Twort 29565743 48 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ul36 NC_004066 441 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
UTAK 412 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Va1 Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
Va2 Tests of AL505_P1, AL505_P2, AL505_P3 phages on the ECOR collection
vB_EcoM_ ESCO37 Host range of 3 phapecoctavirus on avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains (APEC) of various serogroup
vB_EcoM_ ESCO37-5 Host range of 3 phapecoctavirus on avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains (APEC) of various serogroup
vB_EcoM_ ESCO5 Host range of 3 phapecoctavirus on avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains (APEC) of various serogroup
vB_SauM-fRuSau02 MF398190.1 vB_SauM-fRuSau02 against Staphyloccocus strains
VD13 643319045 44 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
VD1884 323 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Vendetta KU998237 590 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Vf33 NC_005948 280 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Vi I 326804500 38 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Vi II 39 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
VP1 165 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
VP11 167 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
VP12 168 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
VP5 NC_005891 169 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
VP6 166 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Wb KC556898 133 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Werquin 201 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
WI0606 JX997187.1 Chloroviruses
Wiseman 385 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Wizard KU998234 589 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Woes KU998240 591 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
W.Ph NC_016563 534 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
X29 697424991 66 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
XMM1 76 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
XP-12 154 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
XZ-3A Chloroviruses
XZ-4A Chloroviruses
XZ-4C Chloroviruses
XZ-5C Chloroviruses
XZ-6E Chloroviruses
Y 304 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
α3A 137 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
αc3 66391255 47 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
β 57 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
β 356 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
γ NC_007458 388 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
η NC_021563 313 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
θ1 190 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
θc 191 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
κ 306 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
λ NC_001416 144 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
λvir NC_001416 37 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
π 311 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
σ 312 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ10 178 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ105 22854993 46 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ13 420 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ15 355 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ16 307 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ17 287 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ2037 152 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ29 NC_011048 243 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ3626 NC_003524 390 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ3T 349 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ4 177 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ400 286 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ6 GCF_000852125.1 102 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ8 419 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φ92 NC_023693 241 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦAa17 363 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦAbc2 NC_013645 479 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦAcS3 408 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦAcS4 409 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦBA-1 251 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦC31 NC_001978 285 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦCbK NC_019405 377 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦCj1 389 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦCj27 372 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦCj7 371 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦCjT23 326 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦCR30 NC_025422 376 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦEC 186 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦFR114 301 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φgal-1/OW 197 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φgal-1/R 196 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φgal-3/OW 199 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Φgal-3/R 198 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦH 282 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦHAWI-5 308 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦKZ NC_004629 153 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of P. aeruginosa phages on cystic fibrosis isolates and lab strains
ΦLMUP35 247 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦM11S 318 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦN 367 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦPEL8C-1 309 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦPLS27 200 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦRsG1 297 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦW-14 NC_013697 145 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ΦX174 NC_001422 36 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
ΦYeO3-12 NC_001271 249 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
χ 712913869 95 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ψ 305 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ψYS40 NC_008584 473 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
ω 189 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses
Ω8 315 Félix D'Hérelle collection of bacterial viruses, Tests of E. coli phages from D'Hérelle collection on E. coli isolates from infant fecal samples
Name Identifier Identifier Data sources